Monday, March 30, 2009

Latest Happenings

Not much to talk about really. Been riding, working, riding, sleeping, working, not necessarily in that order or priority. Seems like an endless merry-go-round.

The last few weeks I haven't raced due to either prior commitments, poor weather or lack of enthusiasm. But I have been getting out with the Club on the Sunday Waterfall ride. These rides are now just plain fast, what was once a very quick ride (back in Centennial by 9:15am) is now very much the norm. The last 3 weeks we have been back in the Park sipping coffee by this time. And, I've been doing work on the front of the bunch each week, and doing turns in the paceline back to Sutherland. Needless to say I'm getting stronger and faster each week. While not at the top of my form, I can see it from here, and know what needs to be done to get there.

Last weekend BTi and I did a Saturday roll out to Kurnell. It was good to get out for a slightly more casual and social ride for a change. Before setting out, I put the Zipp wheels onto my bike to give them a good roll out. BTi is still suffering with his neck, but this doesn't seem to deter him from riding, even though he obviously suffers by the end of the ride. Naturally, breakfast was compulsory at the First Drop. Riding home after brekky, GK drove past, and gave us a bit of a serve via text message - secret miles he claimed! Of course, I left my camera at home for the day, so sorry no pics.

This coming Saturday (04 April 09) is the first of the Club Championship rounds for the year - the dreaded Heffron 1 lap - 2km of all out effort (I can almost hear Hamster saying "Only 2 more back breaking kilometres to go" in that dodgy French accent). Gradings for the year will be based on this, so lets see how I go. I'm hoping to go close or better my personal best of 3:08, and that should put me into B Grade again. I've got some form on the board, and the Zipps are primed, so now it is just up to me to put in and "have a go" on the day. I've come up with the following cunning plan - "Go hard, and then go harder". Will update next week with the result.

I've also started to put together a plan for Open Races this year. My first target will likely be the Cootamundra Haycarters in early May. A group from the Club is going down at Easter for a sneak view/recon of the course, and then for the race a few weeks later, so it could be a couple of good weekends if I can get onboard.


Brett said...

Well done Smarty, sounds like you have been doing the miles.

I should be there on Saturday, not sure if i will ride the 2km ITT as my form will no doubt be crap but may do it just for a laugh on Bazza with the compact as i doubt i can push a 53.


Hamster said...

Hi Smarty, Ditto the coments from BTi, well done on the miles and the form that they give in return, arh the joy that only many iles can provide. Good luck in the opening next weekend. The Black Machine is back together and a few last tweaks on the rear mech and she'll be ready to roll again. The opening ride will be a short 25mile job (that's 40km for yoiu metric heads).
Great to hear you are planning some Opens, they are so much fun (apart from the obvious pain one goes through during the actual race) but the felling of finishing and then sitting around talking about how the race went etc etc, well that talk goes on for years after, remember that as you race, think of the story you want to tell afterwards.
Keep up the good work Smarty.

From your 'very out of form' Hamsterelli.