Thursday, January 22, 2009

Canada! In January?

After a good break over Christmas and New Year, and plenty of not-so-secret miles, I returned to work to discover I was to be sent off to visit a supplier in Canada. In the middle of our summer, meaning the middle of their winter.... And training and ALL social activities would be temporarily suspended. Bugger!

The days leading up to my departure were 35C, 38C and 41C respectively out at the Office. Flying out on the Thursday, Sydney was a respectable 25C again, but I wasn't looking forward to the minus 20C (-20C) I was going to be greeted with just east 160km of Toronto. Hamster, enjoy your winter, mate, you can keep it! Although it was fantastic to experience just a few days of it.
View from my hotel window

Workwise, it was a very successful trip, and one made even the more worthwhile with the hospitality of the suppliers staff, which was truly fantastic. In fact, I'm hoping I get the opportunity to go back one day soon, perhaps when the weather is a little bit warmer.
Picturesque Lake Ontario - the serenity!
Returning home, I was greeted by +30C temperatures, which I'm still trying to aclimatise too. I'll get there.
The day after arriving home, I was off to the Upper Hunter Valley for a mates wedding. Great weekend, great wedding. Good luck, Sean & Brigid.
Now, where did I leave off...??

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