Monday, December 20, 2010

ACP Student Exhibition - Part 2

So what photo was exhibited???

If you have had a chance to review the photos below, you may have your favourite, but this is the one the judges chose to display - complete with a proud photographer.

Whether you love it, hate it, or feel one of the others is better, I received a lot of complements on the night and I am pretty proud of my achievement. And now I can share it.

A few fellow students felt it deserved one of the three prizes on offer, but unfortunately wasn't to be. I overheard one person saying "This photo is very impressive. Much more artistic merit". What the?? That surprised me. Like all art, it is highly subjective, and for me, the fact that I got selected to display at all was reward enough. My other 2 submitted photos were displayed on a slideshow screen also in the gallery, so that was nice too.

I felt there were a significant number of great photos on display, and a lot of obvious talent among the students.

So what's next?? Can't say here in the public domain - yet. A lot of things have to happen first.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ACP Student Exhibition

Well, I've just completed my two photography courses at the Australian Centre for Photography (ACP). Over the last 10 weeks I've learnt a lot about photography, especially how my camera operates. This has allowed me to take better photos and learn to be more critical of what I do take. It is surprising how a little knowledge has allowed me to review what I previously thought were great photos, and look at how I can easily improve them.
I wish I could head back to Mossman Gorge near Port Douglas and retake all my photos - they'd be really something. Maybe next July.
Anyway, here are the photos I submitted for the Student Exhibition which opens tomorrow (Wednesday 15 Dec 2010). Not sure which one has been selected, and wont know until the opening night, but you can choose your favourite. I'd love to know what you think!

And one that didn't make my personal cut...

And while I'm at it, for what its worth, my 2 favourite photos from a recent trip to FNQ in September.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hearing Aids

Well, I suppose it finally had to happen. After years of denial, frustration and poor guidance, I went and had another hearing test, and confirmed what I had previously thought - I need hearing aids. I can almost hear (I said "almost") you guys saying "finally"!
I've got to say, probably the most confronting and frustrating personal experience I've ever had. But I also have to say I have had unbelievale support both prior to and now post testing, from everyone. Thanks all, I really appreciate it.
Below is a copy of my hearing results audiogram. An audiogram is a chart that shows the softest levels at which you can hear a range of pure tones (pitches or frequencies).

The major sounds of speech are contained within the audiogram’s test range. These speech sounds are shown on the audiograms above, indicating their approximate loudness (decibels) and pitch (hertz). Once the audiogram is plotted, it is possible to identify which speech sounds are difficult to hear. You can clearly see that I have had major difficulties up until now, especiually with any background noise or multiple conversations, and obvious frustration for myself and you alike (although I never realised it was that bad). Words such as "path and pass", "bed and fed", "dot and got", "heap and heat" all sounded so similar I couldn't distinguish them as single words and had to use the sentence context to get them right and understand.

So, the big day is April 13th 2010. Be prepared for me to hear those little snipes I normally miss, and you have had so much fun with - especially Hamster and BT.

Still a little apprehensive at this stage, but I know it will be a big step forward for the better. Stay tuned for more details as they become available.